Friday, February 6, 2009

First day blogging

Hi all,

My first day blogging. Just came back from a wedding, my hubby childhood friend's daughter marriage. Nearby our home. Met with some old friends.

My boy has gone out with his cousin for a photo shot at a wedding too. Yes his hobby, not really, at least for his pocket money. He's also a website designer. You may visit his website at Well you see how smart he is. And to our 3 beautiful girls and only son-in-law, they are smart and intelligent too.

Tomorrow we, only two of us, my hubby and me, plan to go for a vacation at Rompin. If it's not that we got free vouchers to stay there, we're not that really keen to go there. Especially to leave our chipmunks behind. We used to travel together. Ok we may say that our honeymoon, after so many years of our marriage.

Well wish us safe during our journey there. Will bring some stories from there.

See you then.......